Tribute to Water Service Supervisor Bernard Murtagh – Gone but Not Forgotten – 5/7/2020
Barney Murtagh started working for the Roslyn Water District in 1977 and worked his way up to the position of Water Service Supervisor. He had the vast responsibility of assuring that over 17,000 residents received a safe and plentiful supply of drinking water each and every day. Over the course of his career, it was evident that his passion for his profession and helping others was and always will be an inspiration to us all.
“It was truly a pleasure working with Barney. His devotion to the District and compassion towards our staff was always apparent to me as he treated us more like family than co-workers,” stated Roslyn Water District Superintendent Richard Passariello. “He was always there when we needed him and always handled every situation the right way. In Barney’s retirement letter, he thanked the Board for the privilege of having been able to spend so much of his life at the Roslyn Water District, but we were the ones that need to thank him for his dedication and impeccable service for more than 30 years with us. I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Barney, but more importantly, I’m blessed to have had him as a friend.”