Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners’ Association


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Smart Ideas For Smart Water

At a recent meeting held by Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners’ Association (NSWCA), Nick Mervosh, Iot* Specialist, Energy & Utility Iot at Verizon (Garden City, NY) addressed the audience on the subject of “Smart Water” as part of the NSWCA’s ongoing Educational Series.

Nick Mervosh nd Board DSC_0400

Verizon, one of top 10 tech companies, plays a major role in the advanced water and utilities business with new technology. Mr. Mervosh pointed out “by offering a large computing platform as a service solution including analytics and security, Verizon, can help water districts satisfy New York State’s mandate to reduce water usage. Part of this can be done gradually through intelligent water metering that enables all water meters to speak the same language and would ‘fork lift upgrades’.”

“It was enlightening to have Mr. Nick Mervosh address the commissioners with such an interesting and fact-filled presentation,” remarked Andrew N. Bader, NSWCA President and Plainview Water Commissioner. “We learn and we take these educational lessons to heart, which is why even in the worst part of Superstorm Sandy, no commissioner-run water district failed to deliver water.”

Photo left to right:  Vincent AbbatielloWestbury WD; Nick Mervosh Verizon; Andrew N. Bader NSWCA President and Planview WD: Michael F. Rich III Oyster Bay WD; Kenneth P. Wenthen Jr., West Hempstead WD.