The Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners Association (NSWCA) welcomed Mr. Ron Busciolano of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at its September meeting. Mr. Busciolano, a Hydrogeologic Supervisor, studies the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth’s crust. His presentation was part of the NSWCA’s Continuing Education Program, and the data available to NSWCA Water Districts through the USGS is an important part of water management on Long Island.
The overall mission of the USGS is to contribute scientific data and strategies that address the impact of growing population on natural and critical resources. These efforts provide Water Commissioners and decision makers with scientific information to help minimize negative effects of an expanding society on water resources.
As Supervisor of Hydrogeology, Mr. Busciolano discussed the USGS’s annual synoptic survey. It includes data collected from over 600 well sites and 40 streams and lakes. Each site represents a snapshot of the hydrogeological landscape and helps the USGS create a water map of the area.
“Long Island has a particularly unique geological situation,” Mr. Busciolano stated, “as virtually all the water comes from underlying aquifers. These aquifers are sometimes called upon to supply more than 400 million gallons of groundwater in any given day for public, domestic, industrial and irrigation uses.”
Shifts in usage can change the flow of water, drawing it from new directions. “A negative result may include seawater intrusion and/or contamination of the deeper level aquifers,” Mr. Busciolano continued. “Data on shifts in water movement and nitrate depths are imperative to the proper management of our water resources.”
The USGS map provides a deep and clear understanding of water status. “Such mapping helps keep local water districts abreast of regional and local conditions and trends,” said Robert McEvoy, President of NSWCA. “It is an excellent informational source and assists water districts in decision making.”
The USGS is funded locally with matching Federal Government aid. The next survey is scheduled to begin October 1, 2012. The data gathered by the USGS is used by NSWCA and is also available to the public at
Mr. Busciolano’s presentation is another part of the NSWCA’s ongoing effort to utilize education to improve policies, procedures and decision making in the conservation and protection of Long Island’s water resources.
For more information on this development contact: Mr. Jamie Stanco, Progressive Marketing Group, Inc. at 631-756-7160.
For more information on the Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners Association contact: Mr. Robert McEvoy, President NSWCA at 516-322-3168.
For information regarding your District’s Water Commissioners contact: Progressive Marketing Group, Inc. at 631-756-7160.