Michael Dwyer Speaks On Irrigation At NSWCA Meeting
Franklin Square, NY USA……………At a recent Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners’ Association (NSWCA), Commissioners representing 21 local Water Districts welcomed guest speaker Michael Dwyer, Irrigation Contractor and Trustee of the Irrigation Association of New York (IANY). Plainview Water District (PWD) Commissioners Andrew N. Bader, Marc B. Laykind, and Amanda Field hosted the meeting. Commissioner Laykind provided a detailed overview of the PWD.
Mr. Dwyer (Levittown, NY) stressed the importance of water sustainability in Nassau and Suffolk counties and the IANY’s role in educating both the public as well as public water suppliers in conservation methods.
“Even though our Long Island sole source aquifer has enormous capacity, education, good management practices, and the judicious use of technology will benefit all residents.” Mr. Dwyer stated. “Some potential solutions are quite simple. Professionally installed automatic irrigation systems utilize rain sensors that prevent them from activating in the middle of a rainstorm. This seemingly small thing can conserve untold gallons o water as well as dramatically reduce the stress and strain on water production and irrigation systems.”
Mr. Dwyer further advised the NSWCA commissioners on advanced technologies, including WiFi controllers, proper nozzling and the IANY’s emphasis on the importance of certification of irrigation professionals. He also discussed New York State bill S00840, the ‘Landscape Irrigation Contractor Certification Act’.
Andrew Bader, President of the NSWCA and Plainview Water Commissioner, remarked, “Mr. Dwyer’s presentation was extensive, informative and apropos for the recognition of the need for sustainability in our daily lives here on Long Island. We thank him for sharing his expertise with our membership.”
About the Irrigation Association of New York: The Irrigation Association of New York, a not-for-profit organization, seeks to improve the products and practices used to manage water resources and to help shape the business environment of the irrigation industry in New York. IANY’s interest in water resources includes the application of conservation methods, drainage improvement and recovery of water for economic and environmental enhancement in agriculture, turf grass, landscape and forestry.