Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners’ Association


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Advancements in Water Technology for Greater Conservation

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As part of their continuing education initiative, the Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners’ Association (NSWCA) held discussions and demonstrations of new water reading and metering technologies designed to help utilities increase water conservation support. Hosted by West Hempstead Water District Commissioners John Sparacio, Joseph Marando and Ken Wenthen, presentations included discussions and hands-on product demonstrations. Guest speakers included Michael Voyias of Holtsville, NY-based T. Mina Supply and Joshua Ordway, Manager of Technology Services for Sensus Water Meters, an international manufacturer of utility management resources.

Discussions centered on water conservation processes, new products as well as the Sensus LogicTM intelligence program. “Several of the new technologies dovetail with Long Island’s conservation needs,” said NSWCA Treasurer Karl Schweitzer of the Hicksville Water District.  “For example, one system represents a transformation in residential meter design that is twice as strong as legacy bronze models.  With no moving parts, its accuracy is maintained throughout the life of the product. The integration of smart technology provides utilities in Nassau and Suffolk with real-time data and information that helps to conserve water in the home.”

“Advancements in metering and monitoring for each water utility are much needed, especially as Long Island’s population and water consumption continues to grow,” said NSWCA President Howard Abbondondelo from the Albertson Water District.  “The future of our island’s drinking water and the aquifer that supplies it require that our water districts stay abreast of new technologies and advancements to further assist our water conservation efforts.  It is with this in mind that NSWCA continues to proactively educate its commissioners and districts regarding various solutions available.”